
With 'Puqiang Al Capability Platform' as the core, it provides intelligent customer service, agent assistance, data quality inspection, intelligent training and other solutions for service scenarios in the insurance industry to help companies improve business efficiency and service quality.

Industry Pain Points


High overall cost ratio
High overall cost ratio
The marketing labor cost is high, the cost of acquiring customers (intermediary and third-party cooperation) is high, the competition is fierce, the products are difficult to sell, and the operation and management efficiency of the middle and background still has a great potential
High fraud rate
High fraud rate
Strong supervision, sales misdirection and regulatory risk control problems under strict supervision are prominent, the proportion of insurance fraud is high, the means are diverse, and the customer identity identification problem under the agency surrender scam is difficult
Agent attrition rate is high
Agent attrition rate is high
High turnover rate, high cost of new training and low income, lack of professional literacy, weak business knowledge, easy to over-marketing, resulting in customer complaints
Low frequency trading
Low frequency trading
Insurance companies pay more attention to marketing than to service, and lack of tools and means to build customer relationship

Solution Products


  • Precision marketing
  • Smart return visit
  • Smart training
  • Risk anti-fraud
  • Real-time data analysis
  • AI model extraction
  • Voice intelligence analysis
Solution Description
Solution Description
Define customer behavior pattern, judge customer intention, carry out intelligent recommendation and marketing, and reach a broader customer group. Build a complete customer portrait, accurate grasp of customer needs.
Application scenarios
Application scenarios
Precision marketing 1: full-scene customer mining; Automatically obtain insurance customer business concerns and highlight labels through audio recording and text. Subdivide customer groups, develop targeted marketing strategies, and improve the success rate of precision marketing 2: improve customer dynamic labels; Integrate external data association to accurately depict customer characteristics, and rely on real-time intelligent communication to complete intelligent core and body verification. Precision marketing 3: the list of production capacity cycle improvement; Through the activation of the historical circular list, the formulation of call suggestions, list recommendation, tracking of intended customers, improve the list reuse, greatly reduce the cost. Accurate distribution 4: seat skills, portrait and words to improve; Through refining error, general, excellent skills label for the portrait of the seat, targeted development of standard training, the development of specific assessment points, to help customers complete the whole process of conversation stage combing, to help customers complete the process management prototype construction.
Solution Description
Solution Description
Realize automatic matching of interactive questions, automatic generation of answers and work order content, and understand the actual use experience and needs of insurance users. According to different return visit needs to configure its personalized Settings, in line with customer habits, more intimate, highlighting the feelings of insurance.
Application scenarios
Application scenarios
Full communication: Full portrait accurately identify customer intentions, single theory, multiple rounds, easy communication of difficult and easy business, continuous learning and real-time recommendation of similar questions and answers. Full quality inspection: full coverage of manual inspection data, automatic scoring by machine, self-built process of emotion analysis. Full exploration: based on the multi-factor analysis of customer intention, satisfaction evaluation and other factors of actual return visit scenarios, comprehensively explore the problems of daily return visit operation, and improve the quality of return visit management techniques and process setting in a cycle.
Solution Description
Solution Description
Stablish a sound industry training system, achieve AI management of training instructors, product training, advanced training multi-hour training mode formulation, improve the quality of enterprise training and create professional training scenes anytime and anywhere.
Application scenarios
Application scenarios
Intelligent training environment: through the perfect training system, the establishment of a variety of training topics, improve the system's intelligent perception ability and service ability, to achieve situational, adaptive and comprehensive professional training. Intelligent training process support: support multi-scene system docking, realize the whole process of business + knowledge + scene intelligent support. Intelligent training scoring: it can give specific training programs and customized training teachers through the portrait of the seat, and give specific test topics to achieve the scoring management of test topics generation, automatic scoring, problem diagnosis and so on.
Solution Description
Solution Description
Through AI technology, 100% full coverage of voice files is realized, which not only greatly reduces the cost of manual inspection, but also obtains the real feedback of customers on products and services in the first time. Through machine voice print recognition, judge the user's mood, complaint warning and risk prompt. Verify the authenticity of customer identity, effectively prevent the risk of insurance fraud.
Application scenarios
Application scenarios
AI will automatically judge whether the business execution process meets the standard, judge the execution efficiency of the business line, collect the key words of customer complaints, judge the customer satisfaction, and explore risk points to improve the business process. Sound, IPO and other multi-modal combination, instead of manual to complete the loan audit, credit card issuance audit, account opening audit, business consulting and other functions
Solution Description
Solution Description
AI+ big data analysis is used to provide 'science and technology + service' support for the whole process of insurance sales service. Through the construction of insurance knowledge map, the complex knowledge of insurance is systematically displayed and user intentions are correctly understood. Based on a real time quality control (data linkage, clues to the acquisition, product development, mining), real time data analysis (user requirement analysis, contribute to online transactions) and visual security agent (after-sales service system, training system), for the insurance agent, provide end-to-end service one-stop solution, thus help agent to complete the business, increase the efficiency of the staff of output
Application scenarios
Application scenarios
AI+ big data analysis is used to provide 'science and technology + service' support for the whole process of insurance sales service. Through the construction of insurance knowledge map, the complex knowledge of insurance is systematically displayed and user intentions are correctly understood. Based on a real time quality control (data linkage, clues to the acquisition, product development, mining), real time data analysis (user requirement analysis, contribute to online transactions) and visual security agent (after-sales service system, training system), for the insurance agent, provide end-to-end service one-stop solution, thus help agent to complete the business, increase the efficiency of the staff of output
Solution Description
Solution Description
Through processing and extraction of online and offline full structure and unstructured data, the status quo analysis of existing data is obtained, and multi-dimensional data analysis results are obtained from customer portraits. Then, multi-business integration data is further mined and analyzed to give multi-dimensional decision data, such as: Customer satisfaction, customer class, robot process and artificial process scenarios, etc., to obtain the operation management process optimization strategy.
Application scenarios
Application scenarios
Application scenarios
Solution Description
Solution Description
By collecting and analyzing customer feedback data, the data can be converted into effective insights to guide brand actions and help brand owners understand customers' perception and interaction with brands, products and services at every touch point and throughout the customer life cycle, so as to find and solve problems and provide customers with better experience.
Application scenarios
Application scenarios
Intelligent traffic prediction, multi-channel and multi-organization intelligent business analysis and decision-making; Data analysis visual, complaints early warning let the customer's voice from hearing to seeing; Automatic process, threshold rule setting, one-click automatic alarm processing, etc. Make the whole organizational structure of the brand customer-centric, help the brand to make internal adjustment faster, and take action according to the intentions and needs expressed by customers, to provide customers with the best experience in every link.



Core technology advantages
Core technology advantages
The independent research and development of ASR, NLP, TTS and other underlying AI technologies, reliable technical support, to achieve digital and intelligent financial industry.
Deepen efforts in the financial and insurance fields
Deepen efforts in the financial and insurance fields
With more than 100,000 model data in the financial field, the recognition rate is more accurate, and the product depth of insurance business lines.
Support local deployment
Support local deployment
Support local deployment, make data more secure and reliable, create value, and build quality products and services.
Stable and reliable service support
Stable and reliable service support
Pre-sale, in-sale and after-sale technical support for all channels in the call center, easily responding to hundreds of millions of users.
Rich access methods
Rich access methods
Support WebAPI, Android, iOS, Linux, Java SDK and other access modes, as well as home-made system access, for customers to quickly access voice services to meet different requirements.
Whole industry chain cooperation
Whole industry chain cooperation
Master AI core technology, has carried out strategic cooperation with many industry service providers, can provide comprehensive intelligent upgrade and customization needs.

Customer Case

