
With the 'Puqiang Al Capability Platform' as the core, it focuses on providing customers in the financial industry with overall solutions from customer service, marketing, risk control to intelligent operation, and providing enterprises with efficient, reliable and safe all-round AI technology and services to help Enterprise intelligence upgrade.

Industry Pain Points


High acquiring customers cost
High acquiring customers cost
High customer service labor costs and training costs, lack of operational capacity
Difficult management of staff
Difficult management of staff
Customer service mobility, uneven ability, unable to effectively monitor and manage
Low conversion rate
Low conversion rate
Traditional mode processing efficiency is low, no analysis and integration, customer information is easy to miss
Low risk control ability
Low risk control ability
Unable to real-time quality monitoring customer service word, whether compliance process

Solution Products


  • Virtual customer service
  • Intelligent quality inspection analysis
  • Smart Customer Service
  • Smart outbound
  • Smart training
  • Intelligent Knowledge Base
  • Intelligent voice assistant
  • Real-time dual recording quality inspection
Solution Description
Solution Description
Based on Pachira AI platform, multi-mode synthesis and other technologies, the virtual customer service image is rapidly synthesized with real audio and video data, so that the customer service has the ability of listening and speaking, and supports the customization of dialogue knowledge base, so that the virtual customer service can master the ability of independent learning, instead of manual audit, consulting and other work in the financial industry.
Application scenarios
Application scenarios
Combined with image, sound, IPO and other multi-modal combination, instead of manual to complete loan review, credit card issuance review, account opening review, business consulting and other functions
Solution Description
Solution Description
The intelligent quality inspection and analysis system performs quality inspection and data analysis on massive call recordings to find contradictions in customer complaints and shortcomings in external services, dig out customer concerns and marketing hotspots, and provide data support for enterprises to improve service quality
Application scenarios
Application scenarios
The incoming and outgoing calls are fully converted, and violations are detected through the quality inspection model to ensure service quality. At the same time, the use of the system's own analysis tools, customer service analysis, customer complaints detailed analysis, to improve the quality of service to provide decision-making basis. This operation applies to telemarketing, manual customer service, and voice call return.
Solution Description
Solution Description
Full-channel and full-process intelligent customer service for the customer service departments of financial institutions, through voice recognition and natural language understanding technology, realize the function of machines instead of human services to customers, improve customer experience, reduce enterprise costs, and avoid staff loss.
Application scenarios
Application scenarios
Intelligent IVR, multi-channel customer service, text customer service, intelligent seat assistant
Solution Description
Solution Description
Intelligent outbound calling robot makes use of intelligent human-machine interaction technology to replace human beings to complete the outbound calling work with standardized process and unified word skills, so as to release human beings to deal with difficult and high-output work, improve the working efficiency of personnel and save enterprise costs.
Application scenarios
Application scenarios
Marketing customers: long tail user marketing; financial marketing; loan marketing; Risk control; loan information verification; overdue collection; abnormal account reminder; Operation management: satisfaction survey; work order return visit
Solution Description
Solution Description
AI technologies such as voice synthesis, ASR and NLP are used to simulate real-time conversations between real users and service personnel, restore service consultation and management scenarios, and give evaluation results to help service personnel quickly master service knowledge and get started.
Application scenarios
Application scenarios
Training new customer service staff, in the verbal expression, oral communication ability, saving enterprise training costs
Solution Description
Solution Description
Through knowledge channel application, knowledge base construction, knowledge display, knowledge retrieval, knowledge management, data reports, system management, examination management, training management, etc., to achieve integration and docking with intelligent call platform, seat system, voice semantic platform and other systems in the industry. Cooperate with other capabilities to complete seat assistance, intelligent quality inspection, real-time monitoring and early warning, and background management.
Application scenarios
Application scenarios
Knowledge base as an important support platform, customer service can be used to support the call platform, marketing platform, client portrait, intelligent robot, and offline counter staff knowledge support, ensure that personnel, products, strategic decisions are knowledge into surface, transverse and longitudinal into line, the formation of industry knowledge map, he level platform for the intelligent knowledge base, construction of the project plan Provide knowledge base empowerment to all business departments of the bank with knowledge base requirements.
Solution Description
Solution Description
By deploying the AI capability platform (including ASR, natural speech understanding and processing (NLP or NLU), TTS, main underlying capabilities of unified operation management tool, robot (knowledge search), unified knowledge base management and other components), the voice assistant can be built and connected with common channels.
Application scenarios
Application scenarios
Mobile phone voice search, interface broadcast; Remote banking intelligent customer service voice interaction, manual customer service voice real-time quality inspection, analysis and assistance, meet the APP, Wechat public account, small program, WEB and other scenarios assistant interaction functions. Intelligent assistant on machine side to improve human-computer interaction. Intelligent assistant is compatible with all kinds of self-service devices, mobile devices, and various versions of systems (iOS, Android, Windows, Linux, homegrown operating systems, etc.)
Solution Description
Solution Description
Compliance inspection and review of the whole business process in double-recording scenario; With the aid of AI capability platform and quality inspection and analysis system, intelligent identification and review of violations in the whole process such as before, during and after the double recording scenes, and real-time push solutions to the problems.
Application Scenarios
Application Scenarios
Compliance inspection and review of the whole business process in double-recording scenario; With the aid of AI capability platform and quality inspection and analysis system, intelligent identification and review of violations in the whole process such as before, during and after the double recording scenes, and real-time push solutions to the problems.



Core technology advantages
Core technology advantages
The independent research and development of ASR, NLP, TTS and other underlying AI technologies, reliable technical support, to achieve digital and intelligent financial industry.
Deepen efforts in the financial sector
Deepen efforts in the financial sector
With more than 100,000 model data in the financial field, the recognition rate is more accurate, and the product depth of insurance business lines.
Support local deployment
Support local deployment
Support local deployment, make data more secure and reliable, create value, and build quality products and services.
Stable and reliable service support
Stable and reliable service support
Pre-sale, in-sale and after-sale technical support for all channels in the call center, easily responding to hundreds of millions of users.
Rich access methods
Rich access methods
Pre-sale, in-sale and after-sale technical support for all channels of call center
Whole industry chain cooperation
Whole industry chain cooperation
Master AI core technology, has carried out strategic cooperation with many industry service providers, can provide comprehensive intelligent upgrade and customization needs.

Customer Case

